low converting emails

7 Steps to Turn Low Converting Emails into High Performers

Is your email copy isn’t getting the conversions you need? If not you may need to write less like you’re addressing a crowd of strangers. Instead, try to write your emails in a way that allows you to make a friendly connection with your audience. If you can master this ability, more of your subscribers will look forward to your emails.

But what does it take to achieve this? Here are 7 steps to turn your lackluster low converting emails into high-performing communications that convert.

engage with customers

How to engage with customers after the ecommerce checkout

It’s becoming increasingly important to engage with your customers even after the sale is secured. After all, it’s easier and cheaper to retain a customer than it is to attract a new one.

In fact, loyal customers are 5x as likely to repurchase. They’re also 5x as likely to forgive a bad experience and 4x as likely to refer your brand or products to a friend.

Discover eight tactics to help build customer engagement and successfully retain it after the e-commerce checkout.

strong digital brand

How to build a strong digital brand with social media

With over 5000 advertising messages being directed at people a day, companies that can genuinely connect with their customers will have an advantage over their competitors. After all, when customers trust you they are more likely to buy from you and stay a customer for longer.

This is where building a strong brand comes in and social media can help. Discover How to build a strong digital brand with social media marketing.

How to Easily Prioritize Your Social Media Marketing Goals

Does your social media marketing leave you feeling like you can barely keep up? Do you feel overwhelmed by every new platform and tactic, every new app update and image filter? Don’t worry, you are not alone.

Entrepreneur or not, we’re all grappling with information overload, and social media is a huge culprit. Discover how to easily prioritize your social media marketing goals to maximize your efforts.

authority content

Authority Content Hacks to Give You Instant Expert Status

The challenge for most businesses is to get their audience’s attention and keep them engaged long enough to lead to a sale. Does your content really engage your audience?

If you have been grappling with this question you may find that the answer lies in creating authority content. But, what is it and what role does it play for businesses selling products and services?

In this post we answer this question and take a deep dive into how you can minimize the time to build trust and engage your audience with 15 hacks you can easily implement.

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